Past performances, installations and events
 5th january 2016 Nami, GrobiArt, Grotte di San Giovanni d'Antro, Pulfero (Ud)
 4th may 2016 Palazzo Ducale, Genova, music for the action painting performance of Cinzia Fiaschi with Chiara Macinai, voice
 6th may 2016 Namazu released on Soundcloud https://soundcloud.com/sfogar/namazu
 9th may 2016 Palazzo Reale, Genova, music for the performance of CriEco
 3-12 june 2016 Udine, 21.00.12 live sound installation for the sound art exhibition 'Il suono in mostra' www.ilsuonoinmostra.it 
 14th march 2017 New York  SCREEN COMPOSITIONS 13 - Curated by Katherine Liberovskaya Video by Paola Pisani with music by Alessandro Fogar 
 28th october 2017 CHARCOAL - An hommage to Johann Nepomuk Krieger for live electronics - Fondazione Scienza e Tecnica - Via Giusti 29 - Firenze
 27th november 2017 Blueskies released on Soundcloud https://soundcloud.com/musichevirtuali/alessandro-fogar-blue-skies
 14th march 2017 New York  SCREEN COMPOSITIONS 13 - Curated by Katherine Liberovskaya Video by Paola Pisani with music and concept by Alessandro Fogar
 18th march 2018 When sound becomes form - MAXXI Rome https://www.maxxi.art/events/when-sound-becomes-form/
 3rd july 2021 La notte che le lucciole si traformarono in stelle (with Paolo Francesco Paladino) - Stazione Topolò - Grimacco (Ud)
Upcoming performances, installations and events